Tree Hill High does a time capsule project, the gang confesses their
most intimate secrets to an anonymous video camera.
'Whitey' Durham from 1955:
(Past Teacher:
"recreational activity?")
"Well.. I like athletics, horsing around with my pals. I suppose most of
the fellas like to chase girls.
(Past Teacher: "And
does that go for you too?") Ah, no sir.. I have a steady
girl. Some kids find it difficult; having a steady. I don’t. I guess the
key is, just finding someone who feels the same way you do.. I suppose,
a fella just wants to fit in; find a good girl, maybe, one day, do great
things. (Past
Teacher: "Tell us about that steady girl of yours, Brian.")
Well her
name is Camilla.. and my wish is that one day she'll agree to be my
wife… and we’ll grow old together. I’d like to have a boy of my own one
day. Maybe lotsa kids. I’d like to try to teach them; right from wrong,
good from bad. I’d like to let them teach me. I think I have something
to offer them. Well, I hope so. I guess only time will tell."
"So you want me to tell you something about myself? I don’t have
anything to say. Even if I did, you’d be wrong to believe me. Trust is a
lie. Nobody ever knows anyone."
"OK, first-off, I wanna say happy
sixty-seventh birthday to Peyton Sawyer. You were pretty cool back in
the day. Um… and to… Jenny Jagielski, who is… wow, um, like in her
fifties now. Uh… your dad… sure loves you. Plus, he’s a total fox.
OK. Well, if you’re young and you’re watching this, uh, you guys know
what you’re up against, especially if you’re a girl, it’s... sex, right,
and.. and even fifty years from now, I’m guessing it’s still a really
big deal. You know, it’s awkward… and… threatening… and thrilling. But,
in a way, it’s like sex is the easy part. You know, it’s...giving your
heart to somebody; that’s the scary part.
I lost my way, a little bit, this year. But.. lately it’s been better.
You know, um, it’s pretty amazing how.. temptation can be silenced by a
ray of hope. But.. when the face to that hope is a boy’s face, I guess,
for me, hope comes with trust issues too."
"My name is Anna Taggarro and I'm a junior
at Tree Hill High and since it's twenty fifty-five, I guess it’s OK to
say that... I'm bisexual. Although, if I still haven’t found the nerve
to come out to my friends and family...by twenty fifty-five, surprise!
My name is Anna Taggarro and I’m a junior at Tree Hill High. And.. I’m
gay.. and straight.. and a Latina and I hate labels! And I hope by the
time you see this, those things won’t be an issue. For now, all you need
to know is this; my name is Anna.. and I’m just trying to find my way..
like most kids. I guess that part is timeless."
"My best friend, Haley, left town recently. And it’s.. been hard. You
know, until this year, it’s-it’s always been us against the world. We
pretty much grew up together and.. now she’s just gone. You know, I.. I
understand the leaving part. Trust me, I just wish she woulda called me;
before she left. I
wish.. I coulda talked to her
about it. I mean, not to change her mind.. or to tell her what to do,
but.. just to say I love you... and I miss you. Just to say goodbye.
My brother’s been going through a tough time lately. I wish there was
more I could do to help him. I mean, just getting along is kinda new to
us. But I guess that’s how brothers are. Better to each other and worse
to each other than anybody else. I also wish I could make things easier
for my mom. I mean, even though it’s been a tough year for us, I want
her to be happy more than anything. But that doesn’t change the fact
that I need to get closer to my father because if I can get closer to
him, maybe I can find a way to beat him. Once and for all - set the
people that I love free. I just hope I have the strength to tear him
down for good."
"Pretty much been with all the hot girls; freshmen, seniors.
Yeah, it’s good times. Currently I’m dating, um… Brooke Davis.
See, what else, um... oh yeah, there’s this new girl, Anna, who’s into
me but.. I’m all 'girl... be patient, you know, 'The Tim' will get to
you eventually’."
"OK, so… I’m a single father… and… until recently, a high school
dropout… and… I’m going on my first date since my daughter was born. Am
I a great catch or what?
So, I’m seeing this girl and I think our experience levels are a little
different, you know, but... even so, I’m doing something with her
that... I’ve never done before; I’m falling in love."
"So you’re probably looking at this and making fun of my outfit,
right? Anyway, here’s all you really need to know about today; if.. you
fat, dumb, sexual, and a guy, you’re OK. If you’re a girl, not so much.
Please tell me that’s changed in the future. Somebody tell me you’ve got
love figured out, because I got news for you; it’s pretty darn messy
right now. But I guess it’s always been that way. Wanting to be loved,
to find somebody that makes your heart ache in a good way.. feel
understood. So.. if you’re robots, or aliens, or something and you’re
watching this right now and that feeling no longer exists; well... you
missed it... and I feel sorry for you. 'Cause as far as I can tell,
that’s what it’s all about. And that’s what I know it should be about."
'Whitey' Durham from 2005:
"It's been fifty years, fifty
long years since I've done this. Looking back on what I said all those
years ago, all the hopes and dreams I had, I've come to the conclusion
that if having things turn out the way you wanted them to is the measure
of a successful life, then some would say that I'm a failure. The
important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn
to let go of the past. And recognize that every day won't be sunny, and
when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair remember it's
only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead
you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, or stumble and fall,
cause most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things
that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe
you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life
will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the

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